
We thank our partners and sponsors who have been helping us build an open and modern cultural institution.

Many of them have been with us for over ten years now. Throughout this time Zachęta has been changing, but our goal has remained the same – to argue that with its diversity, richness and multiplicity of viewpoints, contemporary art is worth supporting and connecting one’s brand to.

Thank you!

gallery is financed by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage

patron of the gallery

Zachęta Projekt Room at Gałczyńskeigo 3 is used for cultural purposes due to the support from the City Of Warsaw - Śródmieście District
miasto MPZ

partner of the collection:


bathroom renovation was possible thanks to:

project "Art Encyclopedia in Polish Sign Language" is financed by:

digitization of posters within the research project "History of Exhibitions at the Zachęta – Central Bureau of Artistic Exhibitions 1949-1970" is made possible thanks to the Museum of History of Photography in Cracow

partner of the scholarship programme ±∞Zachęta:
Gessel Foundation

sponsor of Zachęta Project Room: