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edited by: Joanna Kordjak and Agnieszka Szewczyk
language: English
ISBN 978-83-64714-96-2
Publication date: 22.09.2021
The publication, which is related to the exhibition presented in 2015 at Zachęta, "Just After the War", the publication paints the landscape of post-WWII Polish art in all its tragedy, complexity, uncertainty and ambiguity. It shows how artists reacted to the new, dynamically changing socio-political reality and an atmosphere, on the one hand, of the ‘euphoria of reconstruction’, and on the other, of post-war mourning and ‘great trepidation’. For them, it was a time of dramatic choices, both ethical and artistic. A dozen or so essays dealing with the era’s cultural policy, painting, architecture, urban planning, film and photography have been accompanied by short texts devoted to the history of selected works, exhibitions, events or institutions.
The book includes a chronology of political and artistic events, with an epilogue in the form of selfcriticisms written at the time by five important figures of the era, who are also among the protagonists of the exhibition: Mieczysław Berman, Jerzy Borejsza, Tadeusz Borowski, Bohdan Lachert, and Andrzej Wróblewski.
The publication also contains photographs documenting the exhibition at Zachęta.
03.10.2015 – 10.01.2016Just After the War
Is the key period in modern Polish history of 1944–1949 equally important in the field of art? How were the first years of the new, dynamically changing socio-political reality and atmosphere, on the one hand the “euphoria of rebuilding” and on the other the “Great Fear” interpreted by artists? The exhibition is an attempt to answer the question as to how the complicated social moods and political tensions in post-war Poland found their expression in the visual arts, photographs, film and also architecture and design.
Zachęta – National Gallery of ArtZachęta
Janicka & Wilczyk. Other CityCatalogue of the exhibitionbooks
Views 2013 – Deutsche Bank Foundation AwardCatalogue of the exhibitionbooks
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