This Is Klara And This Is Me, Pico

Marta Deskur

  • type of object: installation
  • date: 1998
  • dimensions: 2 parts 130 x 180 cm, 2 parts 180 x 50 cm
  • inventory No.: RZ-74/I-IV

This Is Klara and This Is Me, Pico was exhibited for the first time in the Zachęta’s Mały Salon in 1998 and consisted of four largeformat photographs on plexiglas and a video projection (we are showing only the photographs). The work depicts the artist’s niece and nephew whom she has been photographing and filming since their birth, creating an ongoing series. This Is Klara and This Is Me, Pico shows them in the moment between innocent childhood and adolescence. Eight ‘episodes’, as the artist calls them, have been created so far; in the most recent one, The Kiss of Judas, Klara is 19 years old and Pico is 16.

Other works by artist in the Zachęta collection

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    This Is Klara And This Is Me, PicoMarta Deskur1998

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