Leszek Rózga
- Winter1985
- Two Twigs of Apple1985
- Pustać1985
- By the Pilica River1985
- March Landscape with a Rose1982
- March Landscape with a Clean Sky1980
- Entrance (with a Self-portrait)1980
- For Paulina1979
- For Paulina1979
- Autumn Grove1979
- Autumn Grove1979
- Summer Didactics1978
- Summer Sketchbook1978
- Clump of Grass1978
- Spring Landscape with a Feeling of Madonna1977
- Spring Landscape with a Road - Dedicated to Staszek F.1977
- Two Nostalgic Landscapes1976
- Spring Landscape with a Jackdaw1976
- Spring Landscape1976
- Impromptu - for my mother1975
- Yesterday1975
- Near and Far1974
- Pocitelij1973
- Pocitelij1973
- Fleeting Moments1973
- Małgośka1973
- Małgośka1973
- Indian Summer1972
- Nest1972
- Nokturn (Przenikanie V)1969
- Settlers1964
- Areopag1963
- Areopag1963
- Megalomania1963
- During Harvesting1963
- Relicts - Ground1962
- Relicts - Ground1962
- Relicts - Silence1962
- Relicts - Silence1962
- Roofs of the Town1962
- Reminiscence1962
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01.06 – 17.08.2014Alice: Wonderland Across the Road
Alice: Wonderland Across the Road (a twin project to Włodzimierz Jan Zakrzewski. Alice at Sakson Garden) is presented at the Zachęta’s ground floor. Here the inspiration came from Carroll’s play with scale, perspective and space.
Zachęta – National Gallery of ArtZachęta