Lech Okołów


Artist's works in the Zachęta collection

  • Zdjęcie pracy Port północny
    Port północnyLech Okołów1973
  • Zdjęcie pracy Figure
    FigureLech Okołów1972
  • Zdjęcie pracy Kosmodrom 2
    Kosmodrom 2Lech Okołów
  • Grafika do wystawy Art in Our Age
    12.12.2015 – 31.01.2016
    Art in Our Age
    Rafał Dominik and Szymon Żydek and the collections of Zachęta — National Gallery of Art and the ING Polish Art Foundation

    Art in Our Age is an exhibition of works from the collections of the ING Polish Art Foundation and Zachęta — National Gallery of Art. The exhibition confronts the activities of contemporary artists with the fundamental questions that those visiting their exhibitions ask themselves: has today’s art totally divorced itself from reality? Who are contemporary artists and why do we call the effects of their activities works of art? What does the abstract explorations of the artistic avant-garde have in common with the lives of ordinary people?

    Zachęta – National Gallery of ArtZachęta
  • Grafika do wystawy To Pee in a Bun
    05.09 – 22.11.2009
    To Pee in a Bun
    Works from the Collection of Zachęta National Gallery of Art

    To Pee in a Bun is the fifth presentation of a selection of works from the Zachęta collections. At the exhibition can be seen works either rarely or never before seen. The exhibition’s curator Karol Radziszewski – has made a subjective selection and reinterpretation of works, placing them in new and at times surprising contexts.       

    Zachęta National Gallery of ArtZachęta