Karol Radziszewski


Artist's works in the Zachęta collection

  • Zdjęcie pracy Warning
    WarningKarol Radziszewski2009
  • Zdjęcie pracy Scotch pink (To Pee in a Bun)
    Scotch pink (To Pee in a Bun)Karol Radziszewski2009
  • Zdjęcie pracy Wall
    WallKarol Radziszewski2008
  • Zdjęcie pracy Praise the Flowery Meadows
    Praise the Flowery MeadowsKarol Radziszewski2007
  • Zdjęcie pracy Scotch pink
    Scotch pinkKarol Radziszewski2007
  • Grafika do wystawy Cannibalism?
    07.03 – 31.05.2015
    On Appropriation in Art

    The exhibition is devoted to issues of appropriation, borrowing, processing, remixing and sampling of culture using existing objects such as artistic and press photographs, works of art created by other artists, films, literature, music, and all things created within the wider sphere of culture and beyond.

    Zachęta – National Gallery of ArtZachęta
  • Grafika do wystawy Spectrum. From the Zachęta Video Collection
    02.05 – 29.05.2011
    Spectrum. From the Zachęta Video Collection
    Screenings in the ursula blickle videolounge

    The compilation of video presented in ursula blikle lounge is a selection of works from the Zachęta video collection. The programme of the thematic screenings of videos is a spectrum, in other words a certain organized selection of phenomena and concepts analysed by the films’ authors. It is a presentation of works of the newest video art in Poland, created by outstanding artists of the young and middle generation. The screenings that comprise the project Spectrum have been divided into the following thematic blocks: sound, gender, social portrait and roles. The selection made was dictated in part by the technical conditions of the place of presentation – the videos selected were one channel projections, whose theme and aesthetics made them appropriate to be shown in the proposed form. The choice of these works was also an attempt to underline the range of themes that Polish video artists engage with. It shows both a cross-section and the spectrum of problems relevant today in Polish art. This should not be treated as a full picture, but rather as an overview of Polish video art of the last two decades.

    Kunsthalle WienKunsthalle Wien
  • Grafika do wystawy To Pee in a Bun
    05.09 – 22.11.2009
    To Pee in a Bun
    Works from the Collection of Zachęta National Gallery of Art

    To Pee in a Bun is the fifth presentation of a selection of works from the Zachęta collections. At the exhibition can be seen works either rarely or never before seen. The exhibition’s curator Karol Radziszewski – has made a subjective selection and reinterpretation of works, placing them in new and at times surprising contexts.       

    Zachęta National Gallery of ArtZachęta
  • Grafika do wystawy VIEWS 2007
    14.09 – 11.11.2007
    VIEWS 2007
    Deutsche Bank Foundation Award

    This year’s exhibition presents a selection of seven creators whose activity has captured our attention, has delighted and intrigued us, making it impossible for us to remain unmoved. A common feature of the majority of the works presented here is a dialogue with culture and a post-critical relation to politics and social mores.

    Zachęta – National Gallery of ArtZachęta